SPRINGFIELD – In a landmark decision to prioritize the health and well-being of Illinoisans, State Senator Willie Preston joined fellow lawmakers at a press conference Wednesday to highlight his legislation to ban the use of four harmful food additives.
“There are a number of growing concerns about the negative effects and associated health risks of certain food additives,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “The ban in Illinois not only protects public health but also emphasizes our commitment to transparency and accountability. By focusing on consumer safety and offering clear directives to food manufacturers, we build trust and confidence among residents in the products they consume.”
Senate Bill 2637, better known as the Illinois Food Safety Act, would ban specific, dangerous food additives from being used in the manufacturing, delivering, distributing, holding or selling of food products. These additives include brominated vegetable oil, potassium bromate, propylparaben and red dye No. 3.
SPRINGFIELD — To diversify the state’s pool of law enforcement officers, State Senator Willie Preston is leading legislation to prohibit the use of credit history in police hiring decisions.
“An applicant's poor credit history should not preclude that person from becoming a police officer,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “If we want to address the decrease in officers applying and diversify our law enforcement, we have to remove these outdated, classist policies.”
CHICAGO – State Senator Willie Preston announced that two organizations across his district have received funding through the Illinois Works Pre-Apprenticeship Program.
“I remain a huge advocate for investments in our trade programs,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “Last week, I called for the largest modern investment in our trade programs following the governor’s budget proposal. I believe investing in our trades will fill more than just the workforce gaps in trade industries — it will counter disinvestment, giving our young, vulnerable communities the opportunity to build better futures.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Willie Preston (D-Chicago) issued the following statement in response to the governor’s annual budget and state of the state address:
“I agree that we need a holistic and humane approach when discussing this year’s budget to encourage structure in Illinois. The governor’s proposed budget offers several investments to help working families. However, I would like to see our existing vulnerable neighborhoods as a higher priority.
“I commend Governor Pritzker for his commitment to put Illinois on the path to financial recovery by outlining a budget that continues investments to expand education and economic opportunities, addresses health care disparities, and modernizes prevention programs in high-risk communities. We must be aggressive in our response to public safety concerns, funding programs that uplift our most vulnerable communities and address the root causes of violence.
“Public safety remains an issue and must be worthy of our attention as much as any other issue our state faces. I believe investing in trade programs provides purpose for youth who have been subjected to the ills of disinvestment and systemic neglect leading to instability and hopelessness.
“Becoming a carpenter changed my life’s trajectory. It gave me purpose, skill and a sense of pride in my work. I am calling for Illinois’ largest investment in trade schools in modern history, specifically targeting young people in Chicago.
“This spring, I would like to work with my colleagues, the governor’s office and other stakeholders to negotiate a budget that invests in high-quality, accessible vocational education to give our communities the tools they need to build a better future. The path to stability in Illinois is a budget that targets disinvestment and systemic neglect in our existing underserved and underresourced communities.”
The Illinois Legislative Black Caucus called a press conference Wednesday to offer their responses to Governor Pritzker’s annual budget address.
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