Preston BudgetAddressEOS Yellow YESVOTESPRINGFIELD – The Illinois Senate approved a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that offers further investments into disadvantaged communities. State Senator Willie Preston (D-Chicago) released the following statement in response:

“We've demonstrated, through data-driven intervention programs, street outreach and youth initiatives, that supporting our Black communities affected by disinvestment yields returns that are beneficial to all people in Illinois.

“There were crucial investments I advocated for that did not receive the funding I hoped for. I would have liked to see more investments into our youth for career training and employment opportunities.

“Nonetheless, we have crafted a budget that recognizes the value and effectiveness of customized violence prevention and community programs – programs specifically designed to address root causes of systemic neglect in our underserved and under-resourced communities.

“While I can admit funding for these programs is certainly a victory, I remain committed to echoing the sentiments of 16th District residents.”