SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Willie Preston passed a measure to remove all references to the death penalty in criminal statutes.
“The language we use influences attitudes and behavior,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “It’s important that we clean up the language used in our laws to avoid creating unconscious biases.”
HB 3762 makes improvements to the language used in certain criminal laws by removing the use of all references to the death penalty. Capital punishment has been abolished in the Illinois since 2011. Removing references that refer to death sentencing and the type of drugs that can be administered to cause death constitutes a vital component of the Illinois culture to avoid unintentional predispositions when determining sentencing for defendants.
“How we choose to write and speak on laws plays a big role in how others see the law,” said Preston. “We may perceive something to be harmless, when in reality we are unknowingly influencing the world around us. These improvements help mitigate that.”
House Bill 3762 passed the Senate Thursday.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Willie Preston passed a measure through the Senate Education Committee to increase educator diversity by overhauling the outdated teacher evaluation system.
“I recognize that diversity is necessary to ensure that students are given the perspectives of multiple backgrounds, cultures and ethnicities to better prepare themselves for the workforce and to have a more well-rounded education,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “We can start diversifying our educator workforce by making necessary changes to the current educator evaluation system in place.”
House Bill 3570 would require the Illinois State Board of Education to analyze and assess teacher evaluation data by breaking down information by race and ethnicity of students, teachers, as well as the free and reduced-price lunch status of students. This crucial legislation will empower non-tenured teachers who work in challenging environments and level the playing field for all teachers.
SKOKIE - State Senator Willie Preston and the Consulate General of Israel to the Midwest teamed up to co-host a tour of the Green Book exhibit currently on display at the Illinois Holocaust Museum.
The Green Book exhibit tells the story of the Green Book, a guidebook that Black Americans used during the Jim Crow era to navigate safe spaces in the South. The exhibit explores the history of the Green Book and its importance as a tool for Black Americans to protect themselves from discrimination and violence.
State Senator Willie Preston was proud to co-host the event and hopes that it will bring attention to the important role that the Green Book played in American history.
CHICAGO – Senator Willie Preston has released a statement extending his congratulations to former Senator Jacqueline Y. Collins on her appointment from Governor Pritzker to the Illinois Human Rights Commission, pending confirmation from the Illinois State Senate.
“I want to take the opportunity to congratulate and celebrate my friend Jacqueline Collins on her appointment to the Illinois Human Rights Commission. Governor Pritzker could not have made a better choice, as Jacqui has always been a fighter for equity, justice, and fairness for all,” said Senator Preston (D - Chicago)“From the local issues in our community to global affairs, she has stood on the side of what is right - and her pending addition to this Commission is welcome news to all.”
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