Preston PR08092024SPRINGFIELD – To reduce barriers for Illinoisans trying to access a colonoscopy, State Senator Willie Preston championed a new law requiring all health insurance plans to cover the cost of the procedure when deemed medically necessary.

“Talking openly about colonoscopies can raise awareness and motivate more individuals to get screened,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “With this law, we can further promote early detection and prevention efforts by broadening coverage for the procedure.”

According to data reported from the National Cancer Institute in 2023, colon cancer was responsible for 7.8% of all new cancer cases in the United States and 8.6% of all cancer deaths. The Institute also projected that about 4.1% of the population will be diagnosed with colon cancer at some point during their lifetime based on data collected from 2017 to 2019.

Current law requires insurance coverage of a colonoscopy as a follow-up exam after receiving a recommendation from a primary care doctor. Preston’s new law would expand coverage of a broader range of colonoscopies by removing the follow-up exam requirement. Starting Jan. 1, 2025, all colonoscopies deemed medically necessary – such as in cases where a patient shows signs or symptoms of colon cancer or has an existing colon condition ¬– will be covered.

“With this legislation, we can start to market these screenings in a way that people will pay attention and actually go get these screenings,” said State Representative Cyril Nichols (D-Chicago), who spearheaded the law in the House.

“A colonoscopy can find polyps before they turn into cancer,” said Preston. “This law removes financial barriers for this procedure, stopping colorectal cancer before it starts and ultimately saving lives.”

House Bill 2385 was signed into law on Friday and goes into effect Jan. 1.