MYP releasesCHICAGO – The Illinois Department of Transportation announced an investment of over $12 million in safety and preservation improvement projects for Fiscal Year 2025 thanks to smart infrastructure investments supported by State Senator Willie Preston.

“Many communities in the area have suffered from historic underinvestment, and our infrastructure shows it,” said Preston (D-Chicago). “Rebuild Illinois allows us to restore the infrastructure in our neighborhoods while preserving the value of the stories written in the streets.”

As part of IDOT’s latest Multi-Year Plan under Rebuild Illinois, the district Preston represents will see five infrastructure projects totaling more than $12 million next year.

These projects are part of IDOT’s Multi-Year Plan, a $40 billion investment in construction projects for the next six fiscal years. The project invests in all modes of transportation: roads and bridges, aviation, transit, freight and passenger rail, waterways, as well as bicycle and pedestrian accommodations.

“We need these improvements for safety and efficiency,” said Preston. “These improvements will also bring jobs that pay well, helping boost our local economy.”

Find a full list of projects slated for the 16th Senate District here.